Projek DAP Menghalau Melayu dari Pulau Pinang.

DAP popular di mata orang cina, dasar-dasar DAP yang memberi banyak kelebihan kepada orang cina dan dilihat DAP lebih membela cina dari MCA dan Gerakan. Orang cina di Malaysia sebenarnya sudah lama mengimpikan untuk memerintah Malaysia, sesudah orang cina berjaya menguasai ekonomi negara, mereka pula mengimpikan untuk menguasai politik, banyak dasar-dasar kerajaan BN yang tidak disenangi oleh orang cina, dasar-dasar yang di buat oleh kerajaan BN dilihat melebihkan orang Melayu, orang cina sebenarnya Tamak dan Dengki kepada orang melayu, orang cina menganggap orang melayu hanya sebagai bangsa pengacau, segala apa sahaja yang ingin mereka buat terhadap negara ini tidak menjadi gara-gara orang melayu masih lagi memegang kuasa politik malaysia.

Pulau Pinang menjadi test ground mereka untuk menekan bangsa melayu, orang cina Pulau Pinang memberi undi kepada DAP kerana mereka melihat DAP sahajalah parti yang amat membenci orang melayu, maka DAP pun menang di Pulau Pinang. kini setelah hampir dua tahun DAP memerintah Pulau Pinang Projek Menghalau Orang Melayu dari Pulau Pinang dengan menjadikan Pulau Pinang negeri untuk orang cina kini sedang giat di lakukan, sebanyak 10 perkara yang telah digariskan oleh DAP dalam Projek mereka menghalau orang melayu dari pulau pinang.

1.Satu perbadanan yang dikenali sebagai Perbadanan Ketua Menteri telah ditubuhkan, tujuan penubuhan perbadanan ini ditubuhkan hanya semata-mata untuk merampas Tanah Wakaf Orang Melayu yang beribu ekar kebanyakanya tanah-tanah itu berada di sebelah pulau (gorgetown) dan tanah-tanah ini memiliki nilai hartanah yang tinggi.

2.Penjaja dan peniaga kecil melayu ditekan oleh pemerintah DAP, buktinya ramai penjaja kecil melayu telah gulung tikar kerana tempat mereka berniaga sejak puluhan tahun telah dirobohkan oleh PBT atas arahan pemimpin DAP atas alasan tempat itu hendak dibangunkan, tapi peniaga itu tidak diberi tapak lain sebagai ganti.

3.Projek membangunkan Resort dan Hotel-hotel mewah di kawasan melayu ini dilihat sebagai satu strategi DAP untuk menekan dan menghalau orang melayu keluar dari Pulau Pinang.

4.Mengetatkan kelulusan penukaran status tanah untuk orang melayu jika tanah itu ingin dibuat sebagai tanah perkuburan Islam, tetapi dalam masa yang sama, tanah perkuburan cina tumbuh bagai cendawan.

5.Tidak ada lagi tander untuk kontraktor bumiputra kelas f, kebanyakkan kontraktor melayu di pulau pinang terpaksa gulung tikar.

6.Wujudnya campur tangan dalam pengurusan wang zakat dan baitumal di pulau pinang, DAP cukup jaki dengan jumlah kutipan wang zakat kerana ianya mencecah jutaan ringgit, DAP juga meminta wang zakat itu tidak hanya diberikan kepada orang islam sahaja tetapi DAP juga meminta wang zakat itu diberikan kepada mereka yang bukan islam, DAP memberi alasan ianya Keadilan untuk semua rakyat.

7.Tokong, Kuil dan gereja dibina tampa pengawasan dari PBT, tetapi pembinaan masjid dan surau melalui proses yang cukup ketat dan menyusahkan.

8.Premis-premis maksiat dibiarkan di bina dikawasan yang ramai penduduk melayu, penjualan arak dibuat secara terbuka, langsung tiada penguatkuasaan.

9. Membina satu universiti khas untuk kaum cina diatas tanah seluas 140 ekar yang mana asalnya tanah itu untuk pembinaan sekolah tinggi agama.

10. Rasuah dan salahguna kuasa semakin berleluasa di dalam pejabat ketua menteri, tetapi mereka bijak megalihkan setiap isu yang kena atas batang hidung mereka.



Anonymous said…
tu la bak kata mantan PM kita, MELAYU MUDAH LUPA...skang tengoklah apa yg jadi..lepas ni nak azan pun tak boleh..jadi macam singapore..hai...ini lah dunia akhir zaman...nauzubillah..
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…


reek said…
Hear the stupid animal Khinzir Toyol grunting like a mad pig.
This Toyol is now the cause of much problem in Selangor. Balik ke Indonesia.
kentanjim said…
You are so damn right. From day one I am still trying to figure out what Najib meant by 1Malaysia. Every stooge in UMNO including his deputy is surely anti 1Malaysia if my interpretation is right.

As for PR, not only the dickhead Zulkifli Nordin, but Hassan Ali should be sacked from the parties for dragging PR through mud, with their uncalled for press releases, and idiotic stand on sensitive matters.
yuking said…
Never mind, because UMNO already brought us disaster for last 30 years! No one would be worst than this.
coolooc said…
Yes, a lot of non-malays in Malaysia are leaving this country. But what the hell, they (babiputras) don't care. They are happy that we leave.

I do agree with you of those mentioned, our country is stepping backward, we are loosing in all aspects and yet overdue and retarded ministers are still available on shelf. The ministers think that they are the only ones capable and qualified to be there and not replaceable, otherwise the country could collapse.

Looking at Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq likes looking at this country future. The well connected babiputras are getting richer. This government is spoon feeding the babiputras at this nation expense. I am sick of this country too.

My advise is let them rot in their own stew.
vesewe said…
Najib is the son of bitch and he is also scrap of the earth!

He definitely will get the punishment from God!
Anonymous said…
the chinese , indians go back to where you belong if you dont like TANAH MELAYU.(MALAYLAND) go build that your SO CALLED beloved country..who cares if you want to migrate to China, india, US, CANADA, or any coutries that you think can feed you like what thuis country can offer. this LKS, LGE ,KAPAL singh bole berambus keluar dari MALAYLAND. this land belongs to MALAY and if you dont like the MALAYS go to hell with you mother fucker tongkang mali macam babi. dah lah bau badan busuk macam babi, mulut pun bau macam taik babi. sial punya cinakopet, INDIA yang tak suka advice WHO CARES even all of you goes out of this country. MALAYLAND or TANAH MELAYU
iceman said…
jelous to me because u all only foregin at malaysia ,if u all back u country malaysia stiil ok.get out from we no need u all at here
org memali said…
tak pa la ,dah mereka suka dok bawah dap nak buat mcm mana
Anonymous said…
betol kew atau fitnah sume ni det. buktikan la det kenyataan-kenyataan awak ni
winner said…
F***k Muslims and all malay pig in Malaysia.

I feel ashamed to call myself a Malaysian nowadays because you malay pig are making us losing our pride day by day by corrupting the once dignified image of this country, you know Malaysia is now a laughing stock among the non-Muslim countries in the world!

People despise this country still protecting the lame lot and not doing anything to improve the deteriorating situation, still practising double standards among its own people, still expelling the non-malay genius to other countries, still depriving the rights and benefits of other races to its own race, still criticize and blame the Chinese for their minority poverty.

Hey, what is wrong with you malay pig? Haven't you fed yourself enough with the loots yet? Still want more? What a worthless thieves bunch!

You malay pig are worse than a maggot. We need a leader not a faggot to rule this country. Get lost you freak!

For all the bad things you stupid melayu babi say about the Chinese, when you are in trouble and big shit, what do you do?

You come crawling back on your knees to the Chinaman to help you, because you can't trust all your malay pig who are sodomy rapists, incest culprits, drug addicts.

Without the Chinese, you malay pig will still live on trees, swinging from tree to tree like monkeys, or forages on the ground by your 4 legs to eat all the shit.

You malay pig are a truly ungrateful lot - the minute all the Chinese leave Bolehland - you malay pig will collapse into the sea and die - that is your destiny!

I think the problem of malay pig race is their culture - it is in born in their gene - nowhere in the world that you will see affirmative action is focusing on the majority because it is always the minority that need the protection.

Worst, the minority in Malaysia has been systematically marginalized just to suppress them of their growth.

Let the malay pig make Malaysia the most corrupted place to live in and see what happened in 2020? I guess malay pig will go back to Indonesia as Malaysia don't belong to them, they are also immigrants from Sumatra, Sulawesi, Jawa, etc.

Please get it into your pea-sized otak udang plastered with layers and layers of tahi babi encased in your kepala kayu that Malaysia belong to the Orang Asli who are the true bumis of the country.

Niffy pellmell malay pig are in fact pendatang haram who swam across the Melaka Strait illegally from Sumatra. They should be caught, given severe caning and deported back to their pig sties in Sumatra.
miya said…
Bodoh punya melayu babi……….

Baik balik ke tanah melayu la. We are natives of Sabah and Sarawak land - buat apa kamu punya orang datang sini menjajah kita oh?

Kita tak suka kamu orang datang sini mengorek sumber petroleum tanah kita - this Sabah and Sarawak land not belongs to your malays.

Get out from Sabah and Sarawak la!

Bodoh melayu babi!
ruyom said…
Malay history start from Parameswara who escape from Indonesia and settle in Melaka. During his time, Laksamana Cheng Ho visit Melaka seven times.

Melaka need the protection of the China from the invasion of the Siamese. Without Cheng Ho, there won't be malay history, instead you have Siam history.

I pity Malaysian Muslims, you probably are the least free people in this world! Even Indonesian Muslims are allowed to practice apostasy when they become adults!
Boleh said…
If malays are so unhappy in this land, they are free to go back to Indonesia, nobody stop them.

They are laughed at by everyone in this world for being lazy, stupid, useless morons.

If we want a good country – we must destroy the Umno party first.
cool man said…
Know what malay pig? A suck babi hutan pendatang from Indonesia, pencuri of Tanah Orang Asli, should be caught by all the Chinese whom you have insulted.

They will then pack you in a pig basket, parade you round Chinatown in KL, to let the Chinese pelt rotten eggs, throw shit and pour all the pig shit from the nearby pig farms on your head.

Then let them take you out of your pig basket and roast you over an extremely hot fire until you become barbecued pork. After that chop your stinking carcass and leave it in the streets of rural for all those vultures and crows to feed on. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Why only malays? You think this country is yours alone? What has the government really done for the pribumis and the Orang Asli? Look at how Umno has screwed up Sabah Indonesians and Filipinos getting citizenship and enjoying the same benefits as you the moment they hop off the boat!

You go ask the government to stop all that then I will stop thinking you are speaking through your asshole.

Podah! You are nothing but a chauvinist malay pig like the rest.

It seems like Malaysia is still not ready for globalisation because of a bunch of anti-social racist morons like you. Our country already independent for so many donkey years but sorry to see still got such shortsighted moron like you.

Bangsa melayu failed in the past 30 years with lots of help from Umno but still failed! Then they blame the Chinese cheat la, marginalise them la, this la that la……….so much excuses! If you are pariah, forever you are pariah!

If you malay pig race lazy, no matter how much with the government help, it will back to square.

For me, I just speak up what I had observed and not like the malay race who is always jealous about other race success. Bad hearted.

What the hell you ask all the Chinese to get out from Malaysia in your comment post? It is proven you are another racist moron bastard!

Malay failure is the fact! It has been happened since 30 years ago and not just now. If you keep on denying it proven again you are just another loser or hypocrite!

Truth - what is so proud of asking Chinese to be like your kind of robbers, liars, cheaters in Malaysia? Kaum tongkat yang langsung tak tahu malu! Yes, you motherf***ker are stupid, lazy, fanatic, thus you need tongkat forever! Dick head!

Kaum tongkat still can survive in most of the zoos overseas. See the UPM red shirt "Orang Utan". At least they could be the laughing stock to this world.

If malays with 50% population in Malaysia none of them success, then I reckon you jump to the sea. That so!

Once again, with you racist pig moron, Malaysia wouldn't go far as far as globalisation is all about!

You are truly one of those Umno babi hutan with shit plastered all over your brain and fulfilling Hang Tuah policy in reverse! With babi hutan like you whose brains are filled with tahi babi - it would be melayu akan hilang di dunia!
Anonymous said…
If you don't like the Malays then my advice is get the hell out of MALAY sia. Get the picture?.... Hidup Melayu selamanya and Islam is my religion. Thanks for reading my comment.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anda di atas yang bukan Melayu tak sedar diri. Buta sejarah, buta mata dan buta hati. Melayu UMNO banyak beri muka jadi mata mereka jadi buta. Hati aku jadi sakit. Sakit hati. Kenapa hampa pendatang asalnya naik kepala? Melayu banyak bertolak ansur hingga bangsa pendatang hari ini dah naik tocang!!
pisau said…
cuping merah,

awat hang bodoh sangat, pi check di SUK kerajaan negeri & pjbt daerah la,jangan tau serbu kata fitnah nampak sangat hang tu bodoh,sembah dap mcm tokong
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