Keling Nie Suruh Upah Orang Bunuh Anggota Polis & IGP...

Inilah padahnya kalau terlalu banyak bagi muka kat puak-puak ini...

Kerajaan dah bagi pelajaran, bila dah cerdik sikit dah tahu pakai komputer, mereka lawan balik kerajaan...

Memang dasar bangsa tak sedar di untung...

Korang baca apa yang di bualkan keling tiga ekor nie dalam fb...


Anonymous said…
Kalau keling kena rompak ke,kena samun ke dgn keling,biarkan ajer
Anonymous said…
Pl tell those indians to leave this country if not happy to live here in Malaysia.They may go anywhere lse except Malaysia.
Anonymous said…
Bangsa PENDATANG SAMSENG INDIA/HINDU makin ganas - tubuhkan KUIL HARAM (lebih kurang 300 sekrg.) sesuka hati kat NEGARA ISLAM PUSAKA kita ini, lepas itu bila geng kongsi gelap India asyik bunuh/rompak/rogol dan sbgnya, POLIS Islam/Melayu BERJASA kita pula disasarkan utk. diHINA,diPIJAK, diGERTAK; termasuk YB KPN kita! Dahlah kat India,puak Hindu GANAS asyik bunuh umat Islam India cthnya dlm. pembunuhan beramai (Genocide) di Gujarat dulu dan sekarg di Uttar Pradesh dan berterusan di Kashmir! Maka, jgnlah umat Islam/Melayu terus diHINA/diPIJAK/diTENDANG/diGERTAK dgn. undang-undang "demokrasi/hak asasi" SAMPAH si hipokrit Barat-Zionis (yg. sekutu kuat si DAPSYAITAN/PKR)!

Tengok juga di Afghanistan; bahkan saya syak, puak Hindu menyamar jadi ketua puak Taleban – al-Qaeda/dan Taleban adalah kumpulan PENGGANAS yg. sebenarnya ditubuhkan Barat-Israel, utk. mendapat alasan utk. MENJAJAH Dunia Islam yg. kaya minyak-gas, dan membunuh umat Islam sesuka hati, termasuk memperdagangkan anak-anak perempuan umat Islam di sana kpd. puak Pedophilia dan menubuhkan ladang dadah besaran (lihat, Fighting Al Qaeda by Supporting Al Qaeda in Syria: The Obama Administration is a “State Sponsor of Terrorism”, By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, June 19, 2013). Kerana yg. herannya, umat Islam saja asyik dibunuh sedangkan umat Hindu-Sikh yg. dibawa PENJAJAH Barat-Zionis ke NEGARA ISLAM Afghanistan, tak ada pula! Mcm. kat Tanah Melayu ISLAM ini, bila si PENJAJAH DAJAL ini bawa pendatang Cina/India/Bukan Islam sampai berjuta, juga dgn. tujuan sama! Dan Barat-Israel juga berpura asyik diserang Taleban/al-Qaeda.

Dan juga mcm. kat Tanah Melayu ini, bila si PENJAJAH DAJAL British-Zionis bawa PENDATANG-MAKIN-KURANG-AJAQ Cina/India/Bukan Islam sampai berjuta, juga dgn. tujuan sama, utk MENJATUHkan Tanah Melayu ini sbg. NEGARA ISLAM!

Lihat di, Hindus, Sikhs could get Afghan parliamentary seat, September 4, 2013:

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Afghan President Hamid Karzai issued a legislative decree Wednesday giving minority Hindus and Sikhs a reserved seat in the country's lower house of parliament for the next parliamentary elections in 2015.

Karzai used his power to issue the decree while lawmakers were on vacation, and after they voted against a proposal giving Hindus and Sikhs parliamentary representation.

Lawmakers have the final say on whether the decree will become law and are expected to vote on Karzai's decree after they return to work on Saturday.

More than 80,000 Hindus and Sikhs lived in Afghanistan in the late 1970s, but most fled during decades of war and unrest, said Anarkali Honaryar, a Hindu senator who supports the decree. There are now between 2,500 and 3,000 Hindus and Sikhs living in the country of about 30 million, she said.

Nazer Ahmad Hanefi, a lawmaker from the western Herat province, said he would urge colleagues to vote against the decree, contending that that the number of Hindus and Sikhs still in Afghanistan is closer to 500. Under Karzai's decree, the creation of the special seat would raise the number of lower house parliamentary members from 249 to 250…..

Makcik Sambal Belacan – PERTAHAN Islam dan umatnya, Raja-Raja Melayu/PM/UMNO/Bahasa Melayu/K‘jaan BN, hak BUMIPUTERA Melayu dan BUMIPUTERA lain; dan hak orang miskin dari semua bangsa yang hormat Islam, dan bangsa dan hak Bumiputera.

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