Sohaimi Shahadan Akan Bantu Mereka Yang "BLACK LIST"

Isu dia bawak ni best, pasal blacklist. Ramai orang melayu tersangkut dan tak boleh nak membuat pinjaman samada untuk beli rumah atau untuk berniaga kerana dah diblacklist baik secara sedar atau tidak...


Anonymous said…
Dato` Sohaimi dan pemimpin UMNO yg. TULEN dan BERANI, TOLONG!

PETRONAS nampaknya dah diTUMBANGkan, utk. bela nasib Bumiputera Islam/Melayu! Ini sudah TERPESONG dr. tujuan utama bekas BAPA-BAPA KEMERDEKAAN-PENBANGUNAN tercinta kita, Allahyarham-Allahyarham Tun Abdul Razak dan Tun Dr. Ismail, yg. menubuhkan Petronas, demi memperkasakan DEB, utk. memperjuangkan hak ekonomi-SOSIAL Bumiputera Islam/Melayu dan Bumiputera lain, terutamanya yg. miskin!

Sekrg. si PENJAHANAM hak Bumiputera terus mara, utk. MENUMBANGkan MARDI pula!
Lihat EVANGELIS Star, disyaki berniat memburukkan pengurusan MARDI, disyaki utk. menyokong niat mengambil-alih Taman Botani Negara Shah Alam oleh REJIM pembangkang Selangor - yg. amat LUAS, iaitu 817ha! MARDI tolong jgn nak GADAI tanah ini! Selangor/P. Pinang-Johor/Sabah/S'wak disyaki mahu DIKRISTIAN-YAHUDIKan oleh puak Kristian Zionis DAPBANGKAI/PKR!

Lihat di, 817ha of agro forestland seems like a waste of potential, by elan perumal, October 2, 2013:

EXCLUSIVE:THE Government’s plans to turn the agriculture park in Bukit Cherakah, Shah Alam, covering over 817ha of agro forestland, into the world’s largest botanical garden has come to nothing.

It is a sorry sight now, even after RM141mil was allocated in 2007 for upgrading works to be carried out in two phases.
It was also renamed the National Botanical Garden Shah Alam some time ago…..

Dan lihat tentang perbincangan MARDI dgn. rejim pembangkang, utk. menagmabil-alih Taman ini, di, Shah Alam botanical garden 'poorly managed', 02 October 2013:

KUALA LUMPUR: The Shah Alam National Botanical Garden (TBNSA) is poorly managed, with three of four projects under its first phase classified as "ill".

The 2012 Auditor's General Report revealed that the RM17.86 million fund for the first phase of the garden, which was supposed to be ready within 18 months since the project took off in 2010, was insufficient.

This forced the management and contractors who secured the project to move the location and settled for lesser development scope.

The project was supposed to include a centre for visitors and database, a 1Malaysia garden and a ticketing bridge.

……The report said monitoring of the project by Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (Mardi) was "not satisfactory".

In its reply to the report, Mardi stated that it had revoked its contract with the contractors and replaced with those who were competent.

To date, TBNSA management had taken over the project site.
Construction work on the project continued early in May and is expected to be ready next April.

Mardi has been entrusted to oversee the project development by the Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Ministry since 2006.

With regards to securing a proper agreement with local authorities in Selangor, Mardi said both the state government and local authorities had been putting pressure on Mardi to hand over the project to them in June last year.
Mardi said negotiations on the matter had been held between the local authorities, state government and Mardi. However, there had been delays in reaching a decision.

Makcik Sambal Belacan – PERTAHAN Islam dan umatnya, Raja-Raja Melayu/PM/UMNO/Bahasa Melayu, hak BUMIPUTERA Melayu dan BUMIPUTERA lain; dan hak orang miskin dari semua bangsa yang hormat Islam, dan bangsa dan hak Bumiputera (Bumiputera juga bermakna Pribumi/Orang Asal/Indigenous/Native/Aboriginal).

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