Pakatan leaders say ‘Allah’ open to non-Muslims

PETALING JAYA, Oct 17 — Pakatan Rakyat (PR) maintained its stand today that non-Muslims can refer to God as "Allah", despite the Court of Appeal ruling otherwise on Monday.

The opposition pact, represented by PKR's Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, DAP's Lim Kit Siang and PAS' Datuk Mustafa Ali, said that it upheld its support for non-Muslims, as previously declared in January this year.

"We remain consistent with what we said earlier," Anwar told reporters at a joint press conference with Lim and Mustafa at the PKR headquarters here today.

PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang said last January that there was nothing wrong with non-Muslims describing God with the Arabic word "Allah".

The Islamist party leader noted that Islam does not forbid other creeds from using the word "Allah" in their religious practices.

"Say, 'O People of the Scripture, come to a word that is equitable between us and you — that we will not worship except Allah and not associate anything with Him and not take one another as lords instead of Allah.' But if they turn away, then say, 'Bear witness that we are Muslims [submitting to Him]'," Hadi was quoted as saying by PAS organ Harakah Daily, citing verse 64 of Surah 3 of the Qur'an.

Anwar also said in Penang yesterday that non-Muslims with good intentions could call God "Allah".

He added that Umno has misled some Muslims into thinking that Christians want to use the word "Allah" to intentionally confuse Muslims and to convert them.

On Monday, the Court of Appeal ruled against a 2009 High Court decision allowing the Catholic Church to refer to the Christian god with the Arabic word "Allah" in the Bahasa Malaysia section of its weekly paper, the Herald.

The court adjudged the usage of the word "Allah" as not integral to the Christian faith and said that allowing such an application would cause confusion in the Muslim community.

The ruling was censured in several international publications, such as Indonesian daily Jakarta Post, which wrote an editorial yesterday saying that "those who claim exclusivity to God undermine their own faith, and inadvertently or not, preach polytheism".

International current affairs magazine The Economist pointed out yesterday that Christians in the Middle East commonly refer to God as "Allah", and called the court verdict an "unhelpful contribution" to religious discourse between Muslims and Christians.

Nota: Malangnya ISA telah di hapuskan, PAS menjadi anjing kafir kristian kerana turut bersekongkol, apa pandangan ulamak dalam pas seperti haron din?
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.


Anonymous said…
Makin DAJAL si KAPIR MUSUH-MUSUH Islam/Melayu ini! Puak Kristian Zionis DAPBangkai/PKR, juga sedg- mempergunakan sbg. senjata DAJAL mereka, golongan Melayu/Islam LIBERAL utk. MEROSAKKAN perjuangan amat BERANI Islam/Melayu, terutamanya lawan MUSUH-MUSUH Islam/Melayu!

Namun, SYUKUR ALHAMDULILLAH Allah SWT telah MELINDUNGI kita umat Islam/Melayu yg. makin TERANIAYA, di Tanah Melayu PUSAKA nenek moyang kita, dr. sebelum diJAJAH si Kapir BUAS LIBERAL British-Zionis laknat lagi!

Namun, harapnya K'jaan/Jakim/JAWI akan memastikan KEDAJALAN KAPIR musuh Islam/Melayu dr. DAPBANGKAI/PKR ini tidak akan berulang - apa saja isu berkaitan Islam mesti dibicarakan di MAHKAMAH TINGGI SYARIAH, kerana M'sia adalah NEGARA ISLAM, bukan di mahkamah sivil (yg. asasnya ditubuhkan si LIBERAL Barat-Zionis). Kalau tak bertegas mcm. ni, puak KAPIR HARBI DAJAL ini akan terus naik muka dia, utk. MENJATUHkan M'sia sbg. NEGARA ISLAM serta umatnya, dan MENJAJAH kita! Maka baiklah juga PAS bersatu dgn. UMNO, dan hapuskan PENGKHIANAT-PENGKHIANAT yg. menyokong KAPIR-KAPIR HARBI-makin-buas!

Apalagi PENGHINAAN ke atas ALLAH SWT kita ini diperjuangkan oleh si guan eng-KAPIR-DAJAL pada "Christmas Eve" pd. 24 Dis. - malam menyambut kelahiran Jesus, jelmaan tuhan Kristian mereka ke dunia ini. Apa punya BALA ini!

Dan juga si DAPBANGKAI begitu berani sekali menghina Tabung Baitulmal S’wak (TBS) dan juga di Sabah, MUFTI Sabah, hanya kerana menyarankan umat Islam bersatu sbg. kaum Melayu, supaya senang menentang MUSUH ISLAM (Mufti kita ini akan diheret ke mahkamah Adat Sabah. oleh si kadazan BONGKAK KAPIR - mcmlah Sabah itu, Kristian Kadazan-Murut punya; makin naik muka!)! Sedangkan gereja Katholik pula mahu MENGKRISTIANkan Kalimah ALLAH kita, di NEGARA ISLAM kita ini! Serta, malangnya undi kepada DAPBANGKAI/PKR termasuk di Sabah dan Sarawak (yang amat kaya minyak-gas apalagi dengan penemuan terbaru) tidak mustahil akan meningkat bukan hanya dari kaum Cina, tetapi dengan MENGKRISTIANkan seramai mungkin, dan MENGHASUT masyarakat Kristian termasuk Bumiputera miskin di pendalaman, contohnya kaum Penan, Orang Ulu, Rungus, Iban dsbnya, termasuk dgn. menggunakan isu Kalimah ALLAH ini.

Dan si KAPIR MUSUH Islam/Melayu dr. DAPBANGKAI/PKR juga sdg. cuba MENJATUHkan DS Mohd Ali Rustam kita, dgn. tuduhan 'fitnah' (cepatnya polis buka siasatan - tapi DAPBANGKAI HINA Umat Islam/Melayu, panggil ROS "anjing UMNO" tidak pula dipeduli!) kerana KEBERANIAN DS Rustam mempertahankan Islam/umatnya serta hak Bumiputera Islam/Melayu, termasuk dgn. penubuhan Dunia Melayu Dunia Islam (DMDI), yg. cuba menyatukan kaum Islam/Melayu serumpun Nusantara terutamanya dr. Indonesia dan S'pura, termasuk dgn. penubuhan Jambatan Melaka-Dumai, iaitu jambatan 35 km merentasi Selat Melaka dari Melaka ke Dumai, Sumatera. Penubuhan jambatan ini amat dibenci oleh DAPBANGKAI!

Dan bukan main lagi si KAPIR-KAPIR DAJAL kat M'sia ni, MENJILAT kaki kudis Barat-Israel, yg. MELALAK kat M’sia ni, nak paksa pemimipin Islam/Melayu amalkan "demokrasi/hak asasi" SAMPAH si Barat-Zionis, yg. amat BUAS! Kononnya falsafah, budaya dan undang-undang Barat-Zionis yang 'terbaik' - pala hotak si KAPIR SYAITAN Barat-Zionis PENIPU ini, di mana gaya hidup mcm. BINATANG BUAS-PENGIKUT-SYAITAN, yg. rakus MEMUJA wang, kebebasan seks termasuk homoseksual/pelacuran/pornografi/kehamilan luar nikah-pengguguran anak (termasuk kanak-kanak)/bertelanjang-beraksi lucah dpn. awam, dadah, alkohol dan perjudian dsbnya - akan terus MENJAHANAMkan akhlak, akidah dan tamadun umat Islam/Melayu!

Makcik Sambal Belacan – PERTAHAN Islam dan umatnya, Raja-Raja Melayu/PM-TPM/UMNO/Bahasa Melayu, hak BUMIPUTERA Melayu dan BUMIPUTERA lain; dan hak orang miskin dari semua bangsa yang hormat Islam, dan bangsa dan hak Bumiputera (Bumiputera juga bermakna Pribumi/Orang Asal/Indigenous/Native/Aboriginal/First Nation).
Ghazali said…
Only one reminder to the PR leaders, especially the non-Muslim. The decision involve has been approve by the Malaysian Court. In Malaysia, we accept it as the rule. If you have other opinion, citing foreign country as example, please go to that particular country and you can freely practice what you believe. But as long as you are in Malaysia, you must follow "OUR RULE OF LAW". Kalau X setuju...SILA BERAMBUS....

And to tne Malay leaders in PR... you all boleh pegi mampos.... dilaknati Allah....
Anonymous said…
To All Non Muslims - feel free to say the holy word "Allah" . BUT NOT IN WRITING on any object or surfaces cause you might create confusion. Example " Rumah Allah" for churches.
Surrhead said…
hallo bro....yg confused sgt pasal benda ini melayu je ker atau all muslims?? bab i tak confuse pun
Surrhead said…
bro..ini sedikit pasai syed botak albar, yg menggatal mulakan isu ni, pastu ditendang oleh najib...(petikan shj - nak penuh
"Some cynics will say, like father, like son. Syed Hamid’s father is Syed Jaafar Alba, whom many critics claim was one of the original Malay ultras. Muhyiddin Yassin is infamous for his remark “Malay first, Malaysian second”, but in the 60s, Syed Jaafar had declared, “Wherever I am, I am a Malay”. Syed Jaafar had also referred to the Chinese Malaysians as ‘pendatang’.
Syed Jaafar does not come across as a pleasant man. In the book, ‘The Reluctant Politician’ by Dr Ooi Kee Beng, which was about the life of Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman, the deputy prime minister from 1969-1973, Dr Ismail criticised Syed Jaafar for his poor timekeeping.
Dr Ismail had also inferred that if Syed Jaafar had entered the parliamentary debate on the separation of Singapore from Malaysia, there was a high risk that both Sabah and Sarawak would have joined Singapore and come out of the federation.
Forty eight years later, Syed Jaafar’s son, Syed Hamid, risks repeating his father’s folly, with the Allah debacle and perhaps, motivate the people of Sabah and Sarawak to claim independence from Malaysia.
Anonymous said…
bro surrhead keldai...
ko tak confused lantak ko le...
kita bimbang tentang confuse anak2 org muslim akan datang...
anak bro kafir tak pe le...
Surrhead said…
anak gua hal bila bersabit pasal Islam....kalau i terleka pun, bini i confirm didik nyer....yg i confuse, siapa sebenarnya yg confuse kat Malaysia ni?? sebab, hanya kat Malaysia jer ada problem ni
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Dan lu SIALPUNDEKhead, si RASIS KAPIR DAJAL; asyik mahu hina ISLAM/umatnya termasuk BUMIPUTERA Melayu kami - lu ni si CINABANGKAI gila PORNO SEKS 2 ekoq tu aahhh?! Mulut lu memang mulut BANGKAI penuh ulat - lu banyak lahap itu BABI punya KANGKANGkah?! Atau lu mabuk minum itu KENCING BABI aahhh?!
Anonymous said…
Oi SIALPUNDEKhead, hari tu juga lu pikiaq Sabah tu Kristian punya - otak lu memang bodoh macam KERBAU penuh lintah KURAP! Lu tak tahu sejarah M'sia ni, Sabah adalah sebahagian Malaysia, NEGARA ISLAM! Jadi lu yg. RASIS mcm PELAHAP-KANGKANG-BABI!

Dan hari tu lu bising pasal imigran dapat IC, lu ingat lu mahu MENIPU, Cina kat Sabah/S'wak dan seluruh M'sia ini Bumiputera? Mereka juga asalnya PENDATANG/IMIGRAN, yg. dibawa PENJAJAH-KAPIR-BUAS British-Zionis LAKNAT! Jadi lu ini memang KURANG AJAQ dan SEWEL-mcm-BABI!

Maka itu, kalau lu tak suka ISLAM serta BUMIPUTERA Melayu/Islam dan SEJARAH Kepulauan Melayu NUSANTARA ini, pusaka berzaman nenek moyang Melayu/Islam, dari sebelum dijajah Inggeris-Zionis lagi, lu boleh BERAMBOS dan MAMPOS!!

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