Update Dari GAZA...
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Pos polis israel dalam masjidil aqsa yang di bakar. |
Pos polis Israel penjajah di dalam masjid Al-Aqsa dibakar oleh pemuda-pemuda palestin.
Dua orang rakyat Palestin syahid di Beit Amr, utara bandar Khalil ditembak pasukan penjajah Israel. Syahid yang pertama ialah Abu Maria dan syahid yang kedua ialah Sultan Za'aqiq. Gaza 4.24 pm
Briged Al-Qassam berjaya menembak tepat dua orang tentera penjajah Israel di timur Beit Hanoun. Gaza 4.28 pm
Bilangan syuhada' setakat ini mencecah 832 orang dan bilangan yang cedera mencecah 5400 orang. Gaza 4.40 pm
Sebuah ambulan berisi ubat-ubatan diserang ketika sedang menuju ke arah ambulan yang terdapat rakyat
Palestin yang cedera, dan dilaporkan berlaku beberapa keederaan. Gaza 4.52 pm
Briged Al-Qassam : "Kami telah bunuh lebih daripada 50 orang tentera (Israel penjajah) sejak bermulanya peperangan." Gaza 5.26 pm
Malangnya Mesir telah diKUASAI PENYAMAQ ISLAM, si ZIONIS, al-Sisi - sebab itu habis terowong-terowong bawah tanah dan juga laluan Rafah yg. digunakan BUMIPUTERA ISLAM Palestin untuk mendapat pelbagai bekalan – diTUTUP! Lihat di http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/07/15/sisi-whore/ , al-Sisi’s TV whores celebrate genocide in Gaza, July 15th, 2014 | Posted by Kevin Barrett; dan di -
http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/09/16/al-sisi-jew/ , Jewish Al-Sisi Runs Egypt; Now an Israeli-Occupied Territory, September 16th, 2013 | Posted by Kevin Barrett:
The Greater Israel Project – a long-standing Zionist scheme to steal all the land between the Nile and the Euphrates – is halfway there.
They just stole the Nile.
The problem is not that Egypt’s new thug-in-chief, General Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi, is a Jew. (His mother, Malikah Titani, is a Moroccan Jew from Asefi, which makes al-Sisi a Jew and an automatic citizen of Israel.)
…..The problem is that al-Sisi has concealed his Jewish identity and Israeli connections from the Egyptian people…and destroyed their nascent democracy through deception and mass murder.
An even bigger problem: al-Sisi is almost certainly a Mossad agent. That means al-Sisi’s Egypt is not just a brutal, banana-republic-style dictatorship. It is Israeli-occupied territory: The newest and largest province of ever-expanding Greater Israel.
No wonder the Israeli ambassador called al-Sisi “a national hero for all Jews.”
Al-Sisi’s uncle, Uri Sibagh (sometimes spelled as Sabbagh) served in the Jewish Defense League (Hamagein) from 1948 to 1950, made his aliyah to Israel, and became a bigwig in Ben Gurion’s political party, serving as the secretary of the Israeli Labor Party in Beersheba from 1968 to 1981. Uri’s sister – al-Sisi’s mother – presumably emigrated to Egypt on a mission from the Mossad. That mission culminated when the Mossad overthrew President Morsi and installed its agent al-Sisi in the coup d’état of July 3rd, 2013.
The implication: Al-Sisi has been a lifelong Mossad agent. His mission: infiltrate the highest levels of power in an Arab Muslim country. Al-Sisi is today’s version of Elie Cohen, who infiltrated the highest levels of power in Syria under the name Kamal Amin Thabet before he was exposed and hanged in the public square in Damascus.
George H.W. Bush’s famous line, “If the people knew the truth, they would chase us down the street and lynch us” applies – in spades – to al-Sisi.
It has been widely reported in the mainstream media, as well as by more reliable sources, that al-Sisi has long served as the Egyptian military’s liason with Israel. During the coup d’état of July 3rd, al-Sisi was in permanent liason by telephone with the Israeli and American militaries. (Israel promised its full support, and guaranteed that US aid would not be cut off, while the US waffled.)
….Since the coup, Israel has been lavishing praise, money, and support on al-Sisi. Mossad agent al-Sisi has virtually declared war on Palestine by going all-out to close the Gaza border tunnels that keep the people of Gaza alive. Meanwhile, al-Sisi has taken billions of dollars from the Rothschild puppets and likely donmeh crypto-Jews who call themselves the “House of Saud.”.......
Makcik Sambal Belacan.
Dan sebab inilah kenapa OIC (Pertubuhan Kerjasama Islam) yg. di kuasai Arab Saudi tidak BERSUARA lansung mempertahankan BUMIPUTERA ISLAM di Palestin dan di seluruh Dunia Islam (terutamanya yg. kaya minyak.gas), yg. makin diBUNUH dlm. GENOSID yg. meningkat, oleh si Yahudi ZIONIS/Israel-Barat!
Maka, dah tiba masanya OIC dibubarkan atau ditubuhkan satu lagi pertubuhan Sedunia negara-negara ISLAM baru yg. mesti diKUASAI pemimpin Islam TULEN yg. berani menentang Barat-ZIONIS/Israel - yg. mesti mempunyai tentera termasuk tentera pengaman ISLAM, kuasa yg. kuat di UN serta menguruskan kem-kem pelarian ISLAM! Tengok bagaimana Barat-ZIONIS semakin takut dgn. peningkatan kuasa African Union (sebab itu mereka cuba menggagalkan dengan mencipta kumpulan pengganas 'Islam' spt. Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab dan sbgnya, selain untuk MENJATUHkan Islam/umatnya)
Makcik Sambal Belacan.